High Performance






D.U. Services Offshore has a professional team with members from commercial diving with good experience in national and international services, such as pull-in/pull-out, hook ups, tensioning, handling, assembly/disassembly of diving systems and others equipment, besides all deck support services.

Deck Leaders

they act in the direct coordination of the riggers, with a high degree of leadership and proactivity, making the safety and operational procedures to be executed as requested by the client, in addition to linking superintendents and riggers.

Installation / Diving Superintendent

they are directly responsible for pull-in/ pull-out, hook ups, tensioning and pre-tensioning operations. The superintendent is the highest position of our teams. They work in directly contact with the client, coordinating the operations according to the procedures and taking care of the activities in which our teams are involved; because they have experience as divers, support diving teams who work, simultaneously, with the riggers team, creating a safer and more organized environment. The superintendents, as well as the managers, participate in the project previous meetings, taking to the operation a vision of the mainly points discussed in the pre-operation.

Client Representative and Dive Representative

graduated in international courses recognized by the OGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers), our client/dive representatives participate not only in operations, but also in all pre and post project meetings. We work on pre-tensioning projects (torpedoes and buoys), hook ups, UWILD inspections, inspections/monitoring of ROVs operations and underwater construction and maintenance projects, always approaching safe practices according to the international standards.

Diving Auditors

with more than 35 years of experience in the diving industry, our auditors work to create effective and direct responses to customer demand. Our projects involve elaboration and review of procedures, accident investigations, implementation and monitoring of IMCA regulations (D23) and training.

Project Manager and Coordinators

with extensive participation in different projects, we have provided managers and coordinators to the most renowned companies in the industry, both in Brazil and abroad, working with a high commitment and professionalism.

D. U. Services Offshore Consulting & Manpower LTDA.

Phone: +55 (11) 2659-1918
Address: Av. Paes de Barros, 3399, Sl. 35
São Paulo - SP - Zip Code: 03149-100


Phone: +55 (13) 2202-3414 / 3224-3513
Address: Av. Conselheiro Nébias, 536 –
Encruzilhada, Santos - SP - Zip Code: 11045-002

Office Rio de Janeiro

Address: Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 134, SL. 1604 - Centro Rio de Janeiro - RJ, CEP 20091-007