High Performance



D. U. Services Offshore Consulting & Handcraft LTDA. is committed to implement, maintain and improve the "Good Practices" culture, integrating Quality, Safety, Environment and Health (QSEH) to plan its activities in a sustainable way.

This policy shows the commitment of all members of the company to increase the satisfaction of our customers, performing theirs demands in an integrated way, with the guarantee of:

apply the QSEH policy, as an important section of the business strategy, always in compliance with current legislation.
ensure that our clients demands are answer according to QSEH policy, always improving our procedures.
develop and apply operational procedures, to ensure the safety of our employees, customers and the environment.
guarantee the asset integrity of our clients, ethically and professionally, during all operations, ensuring the valuing of the professionals involved as well as a good commercial return.





D. U. Services Offshore Consulting & Manpower LTDA.

Phone: +55 (11) 2659-1918
Address: Av. Paes de Barros, 3399, Sl. 35
São Paulo - SP - Zip Code: 03149-100


Phone: +55 (13) 3224-3513
Address: Av. Conselheiro Nébias, 536 –
Encruzilhada, Santos - SP - Zip Code: 11045-002

Office Rio de Janeiro

Address: Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 134, SL. 1604 - Centro Rio de Janeiro - RJ, CEP 20091-007